The Museum of Agroecology and Environmental Protection was created in the mid-70s of the last century by the famous animal painter, entomologist and author of several popular science books about insects Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov.
To a considerable extent, his children helped him: son Sergey (a veterinarian by education) and daughter Olga, a plant protection agronomist, wife Tamara Pimenovna.
The idea of creation was supported by the first chairman of the Siberian Branch of VASKHNIL, Academician Irakli Ivanovich Sinyagin. The museum was opened to visitors in 1976.
The museum presents "macro-portraits" of insects (insect sitters are depicted in dynamics); plaster bio-splints of honey plants, fish, frogs, caterpillars; casts of a gallic nematode – a quarantine pest of cucumbers in greenhouses. Three-dimensional images of insects and plants, as well as inhabitants of fresh water bodies of Siberia are presented on stereo blocks.
3D museum tour (full screen mode)
Etudes of the inhabitants of micro–zapovedniks is a gallery of magnificent drawings of insect entomophages and insect pollinators. The museum has a stand showing a simplified method of breeding and using wild bees to pollinate alfalfa crops – a valuable fodder crop (alfalfa yield increases 3-4 times). The enlarged dynamic layout of the alfalfa flower is very original. The flower is closed to a complex "bio-lock" and is available only to certain types of bees.
The section of bionics and biophysics is interesting. Part of the museum's exposition is devoted to the effect of cavity structures (EPS) discovered by V.S. Grebennikov in insects.
The unique spherorama "Relict Steppe" is a monumental work that has no analogues in world art. Unfortunately, Viktor Stepanovich did not have time to complete the work on the spherorama, on April 10, 2001, Viktor Stepanovich passed away.
3D tour of the spherorama (full-screen mode)
Travel by public transport (buses 264, 226, 212, 141, 115; minibuses 364, 365) to the stop "Institutes".
Contact phone numbers:
Curator and guide of the museum Fisechko Rimma Nikolaevna: 8-913-014-9852, 8(383)308-69-59
Postal address:
630501, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk district, village. Krasnoobsk, Sibniizikh, a/z 356
Excursions are free of charge, by prior arrangement of the time with Rimma Nikolaevna Fisechko.
The preferred number of groups is no more than 10 people. With a larger number of interested persons, the tour is held in several receptions. It is advisable to have shoe covers with you.
The museum and the storage fund are managed by the Scientific and Organizational Department of the SFNCA RAS.
Public project of the museum
Development of FLEXlm 3D excursions
V.S. Grebennikov Museum
To Kirill Sergeevich Golokhvast
I am glad to welcome you. I am always ready to have a dialogue with you on any topics of interest, I will answer your questions.
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