On December 25, 2023, in the small hall of the House of Scientists a traditional solemn initiation of pupils of the 10th and 11th specialized classes of Krasnoobsk school No. 1 into members of the Small Agricultural Academy (SAA) took place. The event was attended by: deputy director for scientific and technical work of the SFSCA RAS, Candidate of Science in Chemistry, Zakharenko A.M., head of the SAA Onishchenko I.S., head teacher of Krasnoobsk school No. 1 Kolesnikova M.V., class teachers of the 10th and 11th specialized classes Burdakova T.G. and Lushchenko E.A., heads of research work Nitsievskaya K.N., (IEVSS&FE) and parents.
Alexander Zakharenko gave farewell words to the students, spoke about the role and achievements of agricultural science in modern society. Afterwards, the documentary film "SAA - a link in the system of training young personnel for agricultural science", created by the school administration, was shown. After the oath of small academicians was pronounced and they were awarded badges with the emblem of the SAA, students of the 11th grade presented a presentation to the 10th grade, in response, the 10th graders showed their presentation about the initial stage of life in the profile class.